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I'm not an expert at anything, but I have been to a lot of countries and seen a lot of things, so let me tell you the best place to visit in each continent. Africa: South Africa. What do you want? The wildlife is amazing, it's easy to travel anywhere from here, and they have the best night life in the world - I could go on. North America: Canada. This country has a good mix of everything! They speak English if that's what you need, or another language if not - whatever floats your boat. It's great to go from the northern wilderness where it is always cold to the southern ones where it is warm. And whatever else you may want, Canada has what you need! Asia: South Korea. It's a great mix of old and new, and the people are all nice and friendly. Europe: Spain. It's not the cheapest but that's because it is the most fun. Think about having a party in Ibiza and in one of those big crowded cities like Barcelona and Madrid, and this is what I mean. South America: Brazil. The best place to go if you want to be healthy and happy with healthy people! They make sure you get all your vitamins, even when you drink alcohol - my kind of people! Antarctica: Norway. It is very cold but it is home to the most stunning nature on earth! It's also my favorite country, so I may be a little biased here. You can ski or go swimming or just sit around and eat ice cream... Most of the articles I write are about places that I love, and people that I love. So, if you want to read this journal, you have to deserve it. Alrighty then - I'm going to go through these countries from least favorite to favorite followed by favorite. And don't worry - there will be a happy ending in a few a weeks time! I know this was a long one but it is still going after all these years! Thank you for reading all the way down here... Let's keep going!Saving me from waiting... I'm such a lucky girl to have such a bright and amazing boyfriend like you! I love how much you do for me and how we can laugh and be happy no matter what. I know things were rough when we first met, but we both decided it was worth it - and I'm so glad we did. Back in 2004, I was 14 years old and you promised me the world... So here it is 2010, five years later, and all of your promises have been kept! Thank you for being my boyfriend from day 1 - I'll never forget that night. This journal is still going strong after all these years! The best place to be in Asia is definitely Japan. 59cfa1e778201

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